David Wolf has logged over 4,040 hours of time in space over four different trips. He earned a degree in Electrical Engineering here at Purdue University.
David Wolf
Dr. David A. Wolf (BSEE, M.D)

Dave Butz played football at Purdue and later continued his love for the sport. He was drafted in the first round of the 1973 NFL draft where he played for St. Louis Cardinals and the Washington Redskins.
Dave Butz
Dave Butz (BPED,1973)
Devensive Tackle (1973-1988)
Alumni Spotlight: Len Dawson

Len Dawson played quarterback at Purdue, as well as defense and kicker. He was an All-American and All-Big Ten Quarterback, going on to play for the Kansas City Chiefs and win three AFL championships, Super Bowl IV, and a Super Bowl MVP. He was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1987.
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If you would like to come visit the new house and get a tour, meet the brothers, or if you have any other questions or concerns, contact our Alumni Relations Officer Michael Bojarski (mbojars@purdue.edu or alumni.atogo@gmail.com).